Glover Oil provides convenient on site “pay-at-the-pump” AV-gas, Non-Ethanol gasoline, On and Off road Diesel and B-20 Biodiesel.
Glover Delivers:
- AV/Low Lead 100 Gasoline
- 93 Octane Non-Ethanol Gasoline
- B-99 and B-20 Biodiesel
- Mineral Spirits
- Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel
- Ultra Low Sulfur Diesel Dyed
- 87 Octane E-10 Gasoline
- 89 Octane E-10 Gasoline
- 93 Octane E-10 Gasoline
- Kerosene
Glover Oil Company offers Chevron & Texaco bulk, drum, and packaged products for delivery in Central Florida and up and down Florida’s East Coast. We also offer FINA products as well as America’s Choice Re-refined Lubricants.
Choose from:
- motor oils
- gear oils
- 2-cycle oil
- automatic transmission fluid
- hydraulic fluid
- cutting fluids
- etching fluids
- antifreeze
- complete line of greases
- journal bearing oil
- refrigeration oil
- aviation hydraulics
- gear compounds
- full line of synthetic products
Glover Oil Company is Central Florida’s leading supplier of biodiesel. You can purchase as bulk deliver, in drums, or fill up at Brevard County’s first B20 pump located at our plant in Melbourne. Blends of B99, B20, and B5 are available.
Biodiesel benefits:
- Reduces reliance on foreign imports and petro based products
- Reduces engine emissions
- Reduces soot
- Reduces engine noise
- Increases fuel lubricity
- Makes engines run cleaner
- Increase engine oil life